These Girls are Killing Me!

Six years ago, Honoka and Azita became the greatest Uke Duo to ever roam the planet (and they did roam the planet). Whenever I watch their videos, two things happen to me:

  1. I decide to quit ukulele altogether. Pack them all up and look for a new hobby.
  2. I race to my studio, pull out five or six ukuleles and start practicing like crazy!


Honoka and Azita, Hi Sessions Live

Then I come back upstairs, watch five more videos and sit there in a trance for the next hour. These girls are so good, and it’s not just their uke prowess; it’s their presence, their genuine love of the instrument, and how beautifully they project it.

As of last year, Azita left the duo for medical school. Honoka is now pursuing her dream as a solo artist. She is dear and darling, her music is very good, her character is excellent.

So I keep watching their videos (over and over and over), in hopes of coming to grips with my own deficiencies … and of learning some great technique and projecting it gracefully.


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Honoka Katayama

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